Legal and Process
Constitution & Legal matters
The Group formed a Community Benefit Society (CBS) that is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) called “Wethersfield Hub Development Group Limited”. This is based on the Plunkett Foundation Model rules which determines the rules and constitution of the CBS.
Membership is open to the community but as yet, this has not been publicised pending the outcome of the Parish Survey to find out if the project has the necessary support. The group must hold an AGM within six months of 31st March 2022 (by end Aug 2022).
The host building, formerly a maltings, was gifted to the Parish in 1922 and is owned by Wethersfield Parish Council on behalf of the parishioners. The Parish Council grants leases to the principal occupiers of the building ie: Wethersfield Village Hall CIO (who currently occupy the ground floor), and Wethersfield Club (who currently occupy the basement). The Hub premises would be a third leasable demise and would sit alongside the other two user groups. If successfully delivered, the Hub will become a legal part of the fabric of the Wethersfield Village Hall, owned by the parish in perpetuity.
Archive photo of the former maltings and village Co-op next door, prior to bus shelter and current entrance being built
What consents are required and when?
Detailed Planning Consent
Highway Stopping up Order
What’s Next?
Building Control Approval
In Progress
Structural Particulars
Fire Risk Assessment
When Design Is Complete
Due Before Opening
Party Wall Notices
Lease Variation
Due Before Build
EHO Certificates
Due Before Opening
Planning consent for the Hub was granted in September 2020 and is valid for three years. If necessary, it can be renewed in September 2023.
The planning consent was granted after detailed consultation with, and subsequent support of, the conservation officers in the Place Services team of Essex County Council. The team examined the detailing and materials proposed, and its context within the Wethersfield Conservation Area before granting approval.
After the successful outcome of the planning process, the Hub team embarked upon the process of ‘stopping up’ part of the highway in front of the village hall. This was completed in May 2021. The order is not time limited which means the strip of land in front of the hall that is needed for the extension and the pedestrian refuge can now be built upon to create the Hub at any time in the future.
Funding for the Structural Engineer and Principal Designer appointments (under the CDM Regulations) is in place.